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[Harlowe 2.0.0] First Letter of Each Line Cuts Off

Is anyone else having an issue with Harlowe 2.0.0 cutting off the first letter of each line? There's a grayish bar running down the left side of the passage. Useful for indicating new paragraphs, yes, but it also cuts into the first letter. Is there anyway to get rid of that bar or to indent the paragraphs (without a hard indent) so the letters are not cut off? It makes for some awkward proofing and editing of the individual passages.



  • An issue (#83) about this problem has been created on the Harlowe repository.
  • edited March 2017
    This seems to only be a Harlowe 2.0.0 issue. No other story format is having this issue. I am also have an issue with this as well and would like an answer. It's even worse in dark mode. ceb6ab382662868a912f84ffa8aa5c6e.png
  • Xishalet wrote: »
    No other story format is having this issue.
    The passage editors (twinescript, stylesheet and javascript) use a widget named CodeMirror to handle editing. The developer of each story format is responsible for configuring how the widget will look, what built-in features are enabled, and for implement any other features like syntax highlighting.

    The latest version of Harlowe 2.x has enabled/implemented a feature known as a gutter, which is vertical bar/area to the left that is covering the start of each line, the gutter can be used to display things like line numbers and where sections (like paragraphs) start and stop.

    Unfortunately the CSS that controls the placement of the area that contains the passage's code has not been given enough of a left margin (if it has one at all) which is causing that area to appear under the gutter.
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