Is there a way that I can disable the footer render for just a couple of passages? The footer will house player stats but there is the intro passages like the intro where this is not needed.
Literally disable, no. Effectively disable, by causing it to output nothing, yes.
The easiest way would be to wrap the contents of the PassasgeFooter special passage within an <<if>> which excludes passages by either name or tag.
Exclude By Name
In the following example, the PassasgeFooter generates output for all passages except the one named Intro.
<<if passage() isnot "Intro">>\
Your normal PassasgeFooter content goes here.
If you have multiple introductory passages, then I'd suggest using a temporary variable to cache the result of passage(). Thus, in the following example, the PassasgeFooter generates output for all passages except those named Intro1 and Intro2.
<<set _passage to passage()>>\
<<if _passage isnot "Intro1" and _passage isnot "Intro2">>\
Your normal PassasgeFooter content goes here.
Exclude By Tag
In the following example, the PassasgeFooter generates output for all passages except those tagged with nofooter.
<<if not tags().includes("nofooter")>>\
Your normal PassasgeFooter content goes here.
Could something similar be used for headers and use a tag as the criteria? That is, could I tag the passages where I don't want the header with, let's say "noHeader", and use that to disable the header on those passages?
The easiest way would be to wrap the contents of the PassasgeFooter special passage within an <<if>> which excludes passages by either name or tag.
Exclude By Name
In the following example, the PassasgeFooter generates output for all passages except the one named Intro.
If you have multiple introductory passages, then I'd suggest using a temporary variable to cache the result of passage(). Thus, in the following example, the PassasgeFooter generates output for all passages except those named Intro1 and Intro2.
Exclude By Tag
In the following example, the PassasgeFooter generates output for all passages except those tagged with nofooter.