In the twine project I'm working on right now, I want to do something like footnotes, by having superscript numbers be links to pages that show citations. So it would look something like this:
Blah blah blah
Citation 1.
Blah blah blah^^
Citation 1^^.
And the Citation 1 page will be the one with more information. But for some reason, I'm having trouble getting the link to the page Citation 1 to work. I've been trying for a while now. Sometimes it will create the page, but then if I add more links to the same page later on the links will break and no longer direct anywhere. Sometimes it just won't create the page at all, and if I create it manually the link stays broken. Am I somehow doing something wrong with my link syntax? Doing things this way has always worked for me before, but I might not have ever involved numbers or superscript, so maybe that's the problem?
In this case stating the Twine 2 version would help because it is the application (and not the story format) which handles both the "Auto Missing Passage Creation" and "Linking Arrows between Passage" features.
Both of your problems are due to this known issue.