I'm using Twine 2 Harlowe. For some reason, I have a problem where the links on some of my pages aren't clickable. They are red when I simulate the game and instead of letting me click on them they display a "banned" symbol (like the no smoking sign without the cigarette) when hovered over. Because of this there's no way I can continue the game. I've attached a screenshot of my Start page for convenience. Is there something wrong I'm doing? Thanks!
A Broken markup link indicate that you are targeting a Passage that does not exist.
eg. The following markup link would appear as broken if the story did not contain a Passage named Target Passage Name
One common cause of this problem is having invalid white-space (like space characters) between the -> operator and the Target Passage Name, or after the Target Passage Name. This causes the Passage created to also include white-space at the start/end of it's name, which can interfere when locating it.