Hey everyone.
Here's an ultra-short, cheesy, action-movie-inspired game. There's a score system and multiple ways to win. Try to find them all!
https://keepcool.neocities.org/Keep Cool v2.html
I've never made a game before and have no programming experience. For a while I've thought about making something in Twine because I've heard how easy it is for any dumbass to use it, but I never really had any ideas. Eventually, I woke up with this basic concept in mind, spent the day thinking and charting out how it might work, and then took about 3-4 hours of looking through the wiki and the Harlowe manual to puzzle my way through making it, and then hours after that "playtesting" it with friends to iron out stuff. It is depressing to realize that a game that takes about 3 minutes to beat could take days to work on. But it was an interesting experience, and I think I'd like to try more.
Cool (get it?) game. maybe for your next one you could try using some CSS. that can give background images and colour and loads of other cool (get it?) things.
Still, maybe you could think of an alternative way to make short work of the first gunman, since it's only a single path through him -- maybe incorporate some random numbers complicating the situation but not killing you outright, even though the deaths were fun too
But top marks for a first attempt; and yes, it's a disproportional sort of work (same as writing, which I'm more familiar with).