I am using Harlowe 1.2.4 and have noticed if I use IE, I no longer see a back or forward arrow on each passage. When I open the same html file within Chrome I see the back and forward arrows.
Does anyone know why they would not be visible in IE? and is there anyway to make them show up?
Which operating system (version, edition, 32/64bit) are you running?
Which version of IE (version, 32/64bit) are you using?
i'm using ie 11 (11.0.9600.18314).
I've tested this one 4 other machines, and all users are reporting now visible buttons.
Is the sidebar visible by default? or do I need to enter some sort of coding to make it appear? it seems to be when I use chrome.
The Undo and Redo links are created and positioned on top of that blank area each time a Passage is displayed to the Reader and each link becomes 'visible' as needed, so neither are visible when the story first starts, the Undo link becomes 'visible' once the Reader has traversed off the first passage, and the Redo link becomes 'visible' after the Undo link is selected.
If you use your web-browser's Developer Tool to 'Inspect' the dynamically generated HTML you should be able to find HTML elements that look like the following: ... the tw-icon element's style visibility attribute is set to the relevant value as needed.
I don't have access to a Windows 7 machine to debug this issue.
<tw-icon tabindex="0" class="undo" title="Undo" style="visibility: hidden;">↶</tw-icon>
<tw-icon tabindex="0" class="redo" title="Redo" style="visibility: hidden;">↷</tw-icon>
</tw-sidebar></style><script role="script" id="twine-user-script" type="text/twine-javascript">if (typeof window.customScripts == "undefined") {
window.customScripts = {
submitName: function(inputName) {
//Get the value of the textbox at time of click
var newName = $("input[name=" + inputName + "]")[0].value;
//Find the hook node based on name and set the text inside
$("tw-hook[name*=" + inputName + "]").text(newName);
//Log the Change
console.log(inputName + " changed.")
Your example shows that either:
A. the tw-sidebar related elements are embedded withing the story format's style related element, which is unusual to say the least.
B. You have added the code that starts with </style> to either a header tagged passage or to one of your stories Passages.
Would it be possible to obtain a copy of your story project to debug?
If so and it is not already available online then could you upload a copy of your story HTML file to a file hosting site o your choice (eg MEGA, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc...) and the Personal Message me a link to it.