I use Twine 2.0 with Harlowe 1.2.4.
Is there a posibility to format a float? I know that working with floats can be a little tricky (e.g. 3.9999999 instead of 4).
I have a variable and its initial value is 100 and I want to substract from that number a different values e.g. 100 - 0.2, but (to avoid this "3.99999" in decimals) now I want to format a result decimal to 2 decimal places (99.80, eventually 99.78). Is it possible to format a decimal to a particular number of decimal places? Maybe the only option is to use javascript.
Fair warning though, floats are weird in JavaScript. So there may be some imprecision in your results.
Edit. I forgot to mention I'm on my phone, so I didn't test this.
In your case because you want two decimal places you would scale the initial values by two places (eg. multiple them by 100) then at the point you want to display the results you would reverse that scaling (divide it by 100) to get a temporary decimal which you would than use Javascripts toFixed() function on to format it as required.
If you wanted a single decimal place you would multiple/divide by 10, and if you wanted three decimal places you would multiple/divide by 1000, etc...
eg. The following is the integer equivalent of your example.
@greyelf: Thanks a lot! This work for me perfectly