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Apologies! A fatal error has occurred. Aborting. Error: SecurityError (DOM Exception 18): The operation is insecure.. Stack Trace: file:///Users/joshuameadows/Desktop/Alcyone-%20The%20Last%20City.html:6181:18178 file:///Users/joshuameadows/Desktop/Alcyone-%20The%20Last%20City.html:6181:18262 global code@file:///Users/joshuameadows/Desktop/Alcyone-%20The%20Last%20City.html:6186:30734
Hm, I don't know that I don't? I wouldn't have changed any default settings & it worked previously (within the last few months).
That security error can result from a variety of things, it's not specifically a storage error. In this case, however, a storage error is the most likely source. There was a bug in the 10.1 betas related to storage access from local files, however, it was supposed to have been resolved. Perhaps the fix didn't make it into the version you're using—no idea about that, I'm just speculating.
Also. IIRC, the setting you want to check is under the Privacy tab as Cookies and website data.
I created a brand new user account — still didn't work.
I tested it on a different machine — still didn't work.
So I don't know if there's been a new setting added that's more restrictive or what, but I'm baffled personally.
Which setting did you do your testing with: Allow from websites I visit, Always allow? I'm assuming you didn't try one of the more restrictive ones.
Regardless. If possible, I'd prefer for SugarCube to trap that exception and deliver a more on-target error message. Since I do not have access to modern versions of Safari—outside of iOS Safari, which limits my ability to do local file testing—I might ask you to test some builds for me, if you don't mind.
I get this:
The exception definitely seems to be caused by the bug I mentioned up thread. Apparently, my feature tests weren't aggressive enough to cope with Safari's inanity—good job breaking it Apple.
Although there's not much I can do about the bug itself—we'll just have to wait until a fix makes it into a release version—I should be able to trap it and deliver a reasonable error message to the user, now that I know exactly what I'm looking for.