This is a short tutorial with code that makes having your twine use the pronouns and honorifics that your user prefers really easy. I am sure there are better ways and more ways but I hope it is helpful.
Your tutorial is not for Twine, which is an IDE/compiler, but rather for the Twine 2 compatible story format, Harlowe.
The distinction is important as there are multiple versions of Twine and multiple story formats for each version—e.g. Twine 2 comes bundled with Harlowe, Snowman, and SugarCube. Most story formats use a somewhat different syntax relative to their contemporaries, so that makes the distinction of paramount importance. The code in your tutorial only works in Harlowe.
The distinction is important as there are multiple versions of Twine and multiple story formats for each version—e.g. Twine 2 comes bundled with Harlowe, Snowman, and SugarCube. Most story formats use a somewhat different syntax relative to their contemporaries, so that makes the distinction of paramount importance. The code in your tutorial only works in Harlowe.