On July 15, this forum will be essentially archived in favor of the
Q&A that we have been testing for roughly the past month. On the 15th, new user registration will be closed and all forums will become read-only. You'll still be able to view posts and search, but you will not be able to add new posts or replies, nor will you be able to send private messages. You will still be able to log in and view any old private messages.
I'll leave this as an open discussion thread so that interested parties can advertise alternative choices for people looking for Twine-related discussion. One goal to delaying til the 15th is to give people time to set up new communities elsewhere if they're so inclined. Obviously, the Q&A that we're migrating to is more focused than this forum and as such isn't an exact replacement for it. I'm also planning to collect links to these on the wiki.
A solution the excludes half the community doesn't seem to be a very good solution and is probably one that will hurt Twine in the long run.
No, and that's why I am giving about 45 days lead time -- I recognize this will leave a gap. I'm hoping that interested people in the community will either set up a successor, or a consensus will emerge about where to go.
I should've added at the top, there are some existing places to go. There's a subreddit and also a subform on intfiction.org, and there are probably other places to talk about Twine online that I don't know about.
Two reasons. First, as we're seeing now, there hasn't been a clean separation of Q&A and general discussion when there are two ways to go -- despite there being a note right at the top of the New Discussion page, people are posting questions here in addition to the Q&A site.
Secondly, one motivation behind the transition is that I'm trying to lessen the administrative burden of running this site. Keeping two public fora around doesn't do that, obviously.
Not that I have much experience on the subject, but would it be too difficult to use a traditional forum structure (like phpbb) at this point?
Pushing Q&A and Chat/Sharing to multiple websites is almost guaranteed to shrink this already-small community.
Hmm... Well, I've got a forum I keep around. I could add Twine boards no problem if anyone is interested.
Not sure what the administrative burden is, but is it possible that other people in this community would be able to take up some of it? Ex. moderating the forums. I for one would be happy to volunteer some time.
All that said, it's likely too late to do anything if you've made up your mind, so at the very least we should link to another community. The subreddit seems a plausible option, though I think forums like this lend themselves better to embedding images / text and attaching code snippets, etc. Would be interested to see what forums you have set up, Art_Sempai.
EDIT: Also tags, categories, etc. seem more easily managed on forum software over reddit. I do like reddit a lot, just don't know if it's so conducive to what we want to do.