Why is it a requirement to use turns()? Doing so will probably only complicate things. It would probably be far simpler to just decrement the variable or variables in question in a special passage like PassageDone/PassageReady or PassageHeader/PassageFooter.
I say probably because I'm not exactly sure why you want to use turns(). If you do want to use turns() for this for some reason, just use it as though it were a variable, i.e.
Then I will call it in each passage I want to make this happen with
<<include "Passagename">>
Don't do it that way. At that point you'd be better off just making it a widget. If you want certain passages not to trigger the code in "PassageReady", give your passage a specific tag, then put your code into an <<if>> checking the current passage for that tag.
Then I will call it in each passage I want to make this happen with
<<include "Passagename">>
Don't do it that way. At that point you'd be better off just making it a widget. If you want certain passages not to trigger the code in "PassageReady", give your passage a specific tag, then put your code into an <<if>> checking the current passage for that tag.
Yep, after thinking of it, create a passage with so little code isn't optimal.
After, if there is not so much passage using this code, use :
I say probably because I'm not exactly sure why you want to use turns(). If you do want to use turns() for this for some reason, just use it as though it were a variable, i.e.
I will create a passage with
Then I will call it in each passage I want to make this happen with
Or If you want to use it in every passage, I'll put it in "PassageReady"
Don't do it that way. At that point you'd be better off just making it a widget. If you want certain passages not to trigger the code in "PassageReady", give your passage a specific tag, then put your code into an <<if>> checking the current passage for that tag.
Yep, after thinking of it, create a passage with so little code isn't optimal.
After, if there is not so much passage using this code, use :