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Changing CSS in a single passage in Sugarcube 2, and missing text-style

1. For a single passage I want to change font, text colour and background colour (and get typed.js working but we'll save that miracle for another day).

I have mostly worked in Harlowe until now so I'm still struggling to get Sugarcube 2 to do what I want, and in Harlowe I used this posted workaround:
<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$"; onerror="$('html').addclass().removeClass('element')" /></div>

to add classes to the passages so I could alter the stylesheet so that they looked wholly different. Is there a more elegant solution that my inexperience is hiding?

2. I used "(text-style:blur)[]" to great effect in Harlowe but I can't find any indication I can recreate this in Sugarcube. Is there an equivalent of that changer macro in Sugarcube that I can use? I really miss those effects but can't see a general CSS way of using them.



  • edited July 2015
    SugarCube supports passage tag based styling, so all you need to do is first assign a tag (the name of the tag is up to you) and then add some CSS based on the tag to your story's Stylesheet.

    eg. If I added a forest tag to a passage then I would use CSS like the following to change the text within that passage to darkgreen:
    body.forest .passage {color: darkgreen;}

    Harlowe uses the following CSS to show blurry text:
    note: The following CSS relies on the passage background color being white.
    text-shadow: 0em 0em 0.08em #000;
    color: transparent;
    ... you can do something similar in SugarCube by adding the following to your Stylesheet.
    .blur {
    	text-shadow: 0em 0em 0.08em #000;
    	color: transparent;
    	background-color: white;
    ... them to make some text blurry you would do the following:
  • Is there a master list of Harlowe text-style keywords and the equivalent in CSS? I liked the simplicity of the element system for that macro, and there's a few more like shudder and emboss that I'd like to still use in my work.
  • Harlowe's documentation and project overview list it's features.

    I determined the CSS for blur by first adding (text-style: "blur")[Some Text] to the main passage of a new Harlowe based story, used the Test option to view the story and then used my browser's Inspect Element option look at the HTML generated for the blurred text.
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