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Revolutionary Cinderella - tell me what you think

edited September 2015 in Workshop
I'd like to share the game I made: Secret Agent Cinder
I've tried to make the game responsive and playable on mobile devices. The unusual part, for Twine games, is that I use a lot of images.

If you have the time, it would be great to hear your thoughts : )


  • Fantastic game! I thoroughly love Secret Agent Cinder!
    Your illustrations are beautiful and really serve to draw the player into the game.
    Great work. Which version of Twine did you use?
  • Already gave this a full 5 stars over at the IFDB so needless to say I loved it.

    Interesting you say you used 2.0, I used 1.4 for my game specifically because I wanted it to be significantly illustrated and that seemed to be the better choice. Mind you I'm also an absolute beginner so I had trouble getting the game to look the way I wanted in a lot of ways.

    Great work!
  • Thanks for the review : )
    procrasty wrote: »
    Interesting you say you used 2.0, I used 1.4 for my game specifically because I wanted it to be significantly illustrated and that seemed to be the better choice. Mind you I'm also an absolute beginner so I had trouble getting the game to look the way I wanted in a lot of ways.
    I'm curious, I never made a side-by-side comparison: what advantages did you find there were with the 1.4?

    I used 2.0.3 mainly because it was the latest version at the time. There is less documentation but it doesn't take long to get a handle on the markup.

    Are you still having trouble? Maybe it's something I can help with (you never know!)
  • Which version of Twine did you use?
    I used Twine 2.0.3 with Harlowe. The template is almost completely dismantled with display:none CSS and re-made with markup in the passages.

    Glad to hear you liked the game : )

  • Holy sh*t, it's amazing!
  • @Melyanna - would you mind if I quoted you on my website? ^^

  • It is a very impressive looking game, which shows off your gorgeous artwork, and good web design skills.

  • This was great. Is there a way to beat it or does she always lose her shoe?
  • k3lit0 wrote: »
    Is there a way to beat it or does she always lose her shoe?
    There is another ending, but it's up for discussion whether it is more desirable or not. You pretty much have to do everything wrong to get there.
  • edited September 2015
    Cinder wrote: »
    @Melyanna - would you mind if I quoted you on my website? ^^
    Not at all!
    No problem :)

  • Cinder wrote: »
    I'm curious, I never made a side-by-side comparison: what advantages did you find there were with the 1.4?

    I used 2.0.3 mainly because it was the latest version at the time. There is less documentation but it doesn't take long to get a handle on the markup.

    Are you still having trouble? Maybe it's something I can help with (you never know!)

    This may have been the result of having had Twine sitting on my computer for a while before I got around to really settling in on a project (2.0 was browser only at that time), but when I first looked at it there just didn't seem to be a way to insert images at all, at least not one short of hosting them online and inserting them using some HTML that was frankly beyond me at the time.

    It may just be that this has been added since and it's more or less the same process as in 1.4 now.

    The main thing I am having trouble with is moving away from the templates to arrange the pages as I wish (for example, this is my game, very obvious template even though I changed the colours and some other aspects: ) so I've been trying to find some Twine guides which have more of an aesthetic focus which might take me through what does what to the appearance of the page (and how to do things like the custom made arrow buttons that you've made). But I'm not having much luck.

    I should probably make a thread somewhere for this, I'm SURE that kind of help must be out there somewhere.
  • It reads, looks and feels amazing!

    I also enjoyed that "graphical" sense of humour of yours. Now go publish it somewhere! ;)
  • edited September 2015
    Cinder wrote: »
    There is another ending, but it's up for discussion whether it is more desirable or not. You pretty much have to do everything wrong to get there.

    Do you mean getting arrested, like for not dancing with the guy? I really want to replay it until I've seen it all, so I guess you could say it's a successful game. I don't know why I care so much but I definitely do. You should release this on steam for a couple bucks, it's worth paying for.

    edit- got it, nice.
  • procrasty wrote: »
    This may have been the result of having had Twine sitting on my computer for a while before I got around to really settling in on a project (2.0 was browser only at that time), but when I first looked at it there just didn't seem to be a way to insert images at all, at least not one short of hosting them online and inserting them using some HTML that was frankly beyond me at the time.
    I did use html to insert the images, but it wasn't hard. If you download and run Twine 2 locally from your computer you only have to put your images in the same folder as the index.html file, and then in twine add some basic markup: <img src="filename.png">
    Then you upload the whole thing to wherever you are hosting it.
    procrasty wrote: »
    The main thing I am having trouble with is moving away from the templates to arrange the pages as I wish (for example, this is my game, very obvious template even though I changed the colours and some other aspects: ) so I've been trying to find some Twine guides which have more of an aesthetic focus which might take me through what does what to the appearance of the page (and how to do things like the custom made arrow buttons that you've made). But I'm not having much luck.
    To get the layout I wanted I used a lot of {display:none;} in my CSS and reset widths of Twine elements. Here are some threads, maybe there is something useful in there:
    CSS is your friend
    Remove sidebar in Twine 2

    The custom arrows were made by wrapping the "navigation links" in a class so I could style these links independently of all others:
    <div class="nav">
    [[Go to next room]]

    In the code that Twine 2 generates the link will become a <tw-link> tag. The tag can be styled with CSS:
    .nav tw-link {
    display: block;
    width: 50px;
    height: 50px;
    background: url(img-file-name.png) 0 0 no-repeat;
    text-indent: -10000px; /*This moves away the text in the link*/
    overflow: hidden; /*This hides the text as soon as it is outside the 50x50 link square*/
    cursor: pointer; 

    The html tags created by Twine 1 may be a little different, you can check in your source code!

    Wow, this was long, another thread might have been a better idea
  • Sorry I've not been able to get back to check this thread for so long but thank you SO MUCH for all that help :) It'll be some time before I'm quite up to speed with all of these things but I know where I'm starting now which is much better than were I was!
  • Very cool! I’ve been busy as of late, so I’m so happy to come back to a game like this. Really stellar work!
  • Really awesome. Illustrations are just great.
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