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Help with text input

I want my game to have a text parser that sets a specific variable to the number imput, nothing fancy.


  • You need to state which story format you are using, as answers can be different for each one.

    (set: $age to (prompt: "Your age is?"))
    (if: $age is "" or isNaN($age))[
    	You did not enter a number, defaulting age to 18
    	(set: $age to 18)
    	Convert the text (String) numerical value into a number.
    	(set: $age to (num: $age))
    Age is: $age

    SugarCube 1: Using <<textbox>> macro:
    a. Main passage:
    Your age is? <<textbox "$age" "18" "Check Age">>
    b. Check Age passage:
    <<if isNaN($age)>>
    	You did not enter a number, defaulting age to 18
    	<<set $age to 18>>
    	Convert the text (String) numerical value into a number.
    	<<set $age to parseInt($age)>>
    Age is: $age
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