heya! i'm very new with twine, in fact, just started my first project today. it's actually going along very well!
i wanted to spice things up in my story to have certain words have dynamic action, like being blurred out or shaking ala some of Porpentine's works.
however, despite my googling, i haven't found any dynamic text effect macros for sugarcube 2 ... perhaps any of y'all can point me the way?
i was looking into css styling as well. it's greatly confusing me, though.
note: The following CSS example is based on (read copied from and slightly modified) the CSS used by Harlowe's (text-style:) macro, all credit is L's and any mistakes are mine.
Add CSS like the following to your Story Stylesheet area, it creates a number of CSS classes which can be used to style text:
@ feature like so:
The following CSS needs to be added to your story's Story Stylesheet area. You can use the new .pulse@ feature like so: