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Old Javascript conversation dialogue question

edited September 2016 in Help! with 1.x
I found a script written by the user bawpie like two and a half years ago for making branching dialogue in sugar cane, so I loaded into my story and I can't get it to work. First I was getting an unterminated string error, which I researched and discovered might be due to line breaks. So I went in and got rid of those, and now I'm getting a missing ) after condition error. I have looked through this code, but it's pretty complex and not being super well-versed in Javascript, I can't seem to find the error. Please help.
(function () { version.extensions['dialoguemacro'] = {major: 1, minor: 0, revision: 0};
macros['append'] = macros['answer'] = macros['question'] = macros['choiceblock'] ={handler: function(place, macroName, params, parser) { var openTag = macroName, closeTag = "end" + macroName, start  = parser.source.indexOf(">>", parser.matchStart) + 2, end = -1, tagBegin = start, tagEnd = start, opened = 1;
		while ((tagBegin = parser.source.indexOf("<<", tagEnd)) !== -1 &amp;&amp; (tagEnd = parser.source.indexOf(">>", tagBegin)) !== -1) { var tagName = parser.source.slice(tagBegin + 2, tagEnd), tagDelim =\s/);
			if (tagDelim !== -1) {
tagName = tagName.slice(0, tagDelim);
			tagEnd += 2; switch (tagName)
{ case closeTag: opened--; break; case openTag: opened++; break; } if (opened === 0) { end = tagBegin; break; } } if (end !== -1)
		{ parser.nextMatch = tagEnd;
		id = params[0];
		contents = parser.source.slice(start, end);
		switch (macroName) { case "choiceblock": switch(id){ case "1": new Wikifier(place, '<<loadJS fakechoice1.js>> <div class="inlinechoice-' + id + '" id= "' + id + '"><br>' + contents + '</div>' + '<div id="dialogue_container"> </div>');
break; default: new Wikifier(place, '<div class="inlinechoice-' + id + '" id="' + id + '"><br>' + contents + '</div>' + '<div id="dialogue_container"> </div>');
			} break; case "question": if (params.length - 1 % 2 == 1) {throwError(place, "<<" + macroName + ">>: odd number of parameters given"); return; } el = document.createElement('a'); el.className = 'internalLink';
el.href = "javascript:void(0)"; el.innerHTML = ('<a class="question" id="' + id + '">' + contents + '</a>');
el.onclick = function(){
for (var index = 0;index < params.length; index += 2) {var s;
if (isNaN(params[index+2])) {
s = "state.history[0].variables." + params[index+1] + " = '" + params[index+2] + "'";} else {s = "state.history[0].variables." + params[index+1] + " = " + params[index+2];
			} eval(s);}};place.appendChild(el); 
			break; case "answer": new Wikifier(place, '<div class="answer-' + id + '">' + contents + '</div>');
			break; case "append": new Wikifier(place, '<div id="' + macroName + '">' + contents + '</div>'); break; }}
		{throwError(place, "<<" + macroName + ">>: cannot find a matching close tag");
macros["endchoiceblock"] = { handler: function () {} };
macros["endquestion"] = { handler: function () {} };
macros["endanswer"] = { handler: function () {} };
macros["endappend"] = { handler: function () {} };


  • edited September 2016
    Generally when you are asking a question about previously posted code it helps if you include a link to that code in your question, I assume the original code came from the Conversation Dialogue for Twine thread.

    There is an HTML Code encoding error in the original code, you need to find and replace the double ampersands
    ...contain within one of the if statements with a logical and operator

    This escaping error most like happened either during the process that convert the old forum to the existing one, or during a cut-n-paste operation.
  • Thanks so much. Now it's not piling errors on me, but the links aren't working, which I believe means it's not loading the external javascript correctly. So probably I haven't got it saved in the right place?
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