Is this not possible? I tried doing exactly as I'd done to install SC2 on my desktop version, but kept getting the message 'The story format could not be added'.
The reason I want to do this is because I use Firefox's Firebug add-on to inspect all the various elements when making CSS changes. Without that ability I'm pretty much lost.
I've looked at the style sheet info for SC2 on Wiki, but it doesn't include all the elements.
What about if I upload the file to a host first?
That should allow you to access Sugarcube 2 with the online version of twine.
Yes, as I say in my OP I looked at this, but there are dozens and dozens of selector names and IDs it doesn't cover in the documentation.
These are all things, I imagine, he doesn't imagine people will want to change, so doesn't include them in the docs.
Listed in HTML docs as "menu-item-saves" and "menu-item-restart" respectively, the 'icon' related CSS (#menu-item-saves a:before) is in the ui-bar.css documentation.
The menu item's selector can be determined from the HTML docs (#menu li a) and the UI's toggle button is listed as "ui-bar-toggle", the menu item's hover effect (#menu li a:hover) and the UI's toggle button 'icon' (#ui-bar-toggle:before) are also in the ui-bar.css documentation.
TheMadExile is very good with his documentation.
That said, though, I find it so much easier to learn the various selectors by using Firebug. You simply activate Firebug, click on the element icon and then hover over the various items. Their selector name then pops up for you and you know what you need to be targeting in your game's CSS.
I know it's probably not the best way to learn the workings of Style Sheets, but it's how I do it.