I'm working with Sugarcube 2.18, and I've been trying to work on the style of my sidebar, but I've come across some obstacles.
First of all, is it possible to remove the options of "Restart" and "Save" from the sidebar, without compromising any other information displayed there?
Also, is it possible to make the sidebar's background color transparent? So, if I had a background image for each passage, the text in the sidebar would just appear over it...
Sorry if these are stupid questions, I'm kind of new at this.
To make the ui-bar transparent, you enter also into the stylesheet:
I changed my sidebar's width, and now there's a large space between the text and the edge of the sidebar. I wanted to make it smaller, but I don't know how...
Just adjust the left margin to fit the ui-bars new width.
Two sections of the SugarCube 2.x documentation that can help you with questions like this one are the:
a. HTML section, which describes the base structure of the page it generates including the ID's and classes of all the elements.
b. CSS section, which describes all the base CSS used to style the page and other elements.
Thanks for linking those. I don't have a lot of experience with coding, and I've just started messing with Twine, but I'll have a look at these! I'm always up for some learning!