I'm using Twine 2, Sugarcube 2.18.0 and with my very basic understanding, I can't get an inventory to work.
I copied the code from the twine wiki from the following link:
In the Javascipt section, made passage named "StoryMenu" and put
Inventory in it.
Made an Inventory passage and put
<<if $inventory.length == 0>>You do not have any belongings.<<else>>You are carrying:
<<invWithLinks>> <<endif>>
in it.
At my game start I put
<<if $inventory.indexOf("An Unsigned Note") == -1>>There is a note here. [[Pick up the note.]]<<endif>>
and made a passage called "Pick up the note." with
<<addToInv "An Unsigned Note">>\
You picked up the note.
in it.
Most of it seems to work, except that it does not add anything to the inventory, which in turn does not let me test if the "There is a note here. Pick up the note." disappears if you have "An Unsigned Note" in your inventory. Over the last 3 days I tried to find an answer on my own, even contemplated to only use variables and if statements to make it work but I just don't like the "dirty" way of doing it. I want it "future proof" if ever want to make another game that requires an inventory. I really spent enough time on it, for a feature that was not really needed or planed for my game and I would really appreciate if someone could point out what I am doing wrong.
Also, since don't know anything about java: Is it possible that you can make the first letter after a dash (-) uppercase? So it will not correct "Mary-Ann" to "Mary-ann"? With the current code it always auto corrects to lowercase:
<<set name to $name.trim()>>\
<<set $name to $name.toLowerCase()>>\
<<set $n to $name.charAt(0).toUpperCase()>>\
<<set $name to $name.slice(1)>>\
<<set $name to $n + $name>>\
You can use a Regular Expression to obtain each Word in your Sting value combined with the Javascript String.replace function to do what you want.
Using the replace function directly on a String value would look something like the following: ... but doing it that way is messy and could easily lead to errors.
Instead you should create a custom function (eg. toProperCase()) to contain the complex part and then use that instead in your TwineScript code. There are two main places you can create that function depending on if you like extending Javascript's built-in objects or not.
1. Extending SugarCube's setup object.
Use code like the following to add a custom toProperCase() function to the setup object, this code is placed within the story's Story Javascript area. ... and you use the setup.toProperCase() function in your passage like so:
2. Extending Javascript's String prototype.
Use code like the following to add a custom toProperCase() function to the Javascript String prototype, this code is placed within the story's Story Javascript area. ... and you use the <String>.toProperCase() function in your passage like so:
a. The original Regular Expression example was obtain from this stackoverflow article.
b. The structure of the String prototype extension example is heavily based on SugarCube's own extension of the same prototype.
Sadly, <<return>> brings the same result as <<back>>.
Is there a reason, why text-transform: capitalize won't work for you?
Put into your stylesheet:
And then you can just say:
and you will get Marie-Ann.
I meant the part at the bottom when I said 'second chunk,' but I honestly don't know what that does either.
If that starts the inventory, then it probably resets it, right? Isn't that probably clearing your inventory every time you go to that passage? Put that in your StoryInit special passage.
EDIT: You need to fix both these problems. I whipped up a test based on the code you provided, and the <<initInv>> macro empties the inventory array, so that's problem 1. Problem 2, the <<back>> macro undoes your <<addToInv>> macro, but <<return>> does not. If you fix both these things, it works fine.
Note that this is great for output but it won't work for comparison of strings, so it depends on what you're doing with it.
Yeah, that seems to have been the problem. It works now. Thanks.
Well, it will show "jim" as "Jim" but checking if the character is called "Jim" will result in a "false". Because I need to check if the character has a certain name, that will not work for me.
Fair enough. How about:
And then: