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Setter links in SugarCube?

I saw that a similar question was posted for Hemlock, but I'm running into the same issue with SC. Based on the documentation, the following should work:

the funny card][$cardChoice = "funny"

Linking the text, "the funny card," to a box with the same name and setting $cardChoice to "funny" when that is clicked. However, when I do this, it creates a new passage titled "the funny card][$cardChoice = "funny"", omitting the outer brackets. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

Thanks muchly.


  • You are not doing anything wrong.

    The code that automatically creates a new passage based on basic markup links does not support more advanced link types like Setter Links or link macros.

    You will need to manually rename the newly created passage.
  • greyelf wrote: »

    Thanks! That is pretty annoying, since I went ahead and moved alone with the project a ways. Looks like I have some copy-pasting to do!
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