Make a passage called StoryCaption. Anything you put in that passage will appear in the sidebar beneath the title and author.<br />If you want to hide the normal sidebar elements and just show y
Version 2.14 of sugarcube and 1.4.2 of twine.<br />So I want to add symbols to my StoryMenu items (similar to the <a href="/forum/search?Search=%23menu-core&Mode=like">#menu-
that would style the unordered list which contains the links, not the <span style="font-family:monospace">StoryMenu</span> links themselves.<br /><a href="/forum/p
<pre><a href="/forum/search?Search=%23menu-item-restart&Mode=like">#menu-item-restart</a> a, <a href="/forum/search?Search=%23menu-item-saves&Mode=like"
Listed in HTML docs as "menu-item-saves" and "menu-item-restart" respectively, the 'icon' related CSS (#menu-item-saves a:before) is in the <b>ui-bar.css</b> documentat
purple<br />}<br />nor<br />#menu-item-saves:hover{<br />background-color: purple<br />}<br />does not change color of buttons when mouse is over it.<br />W
Is there a way to make a div id scroll? I'm using one i call "menu" on the side with important links but there are too many to fit on a single page. I need a way for the reader to scroll alo
Twine 2.0.1, Sugarcube 2.6.2<br />Sorry to ask such a basic question but after searching the forum and the Sugarcube doc I've come up empty. How do I remove the option for saving?<br />The
did nothing, but was desperate to eliminate the flash that keeps happening with the sidebar before it disappears with display:none, so I threw it in there and hoped for the best. Alas, no dice. <i