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Castle Doomstone

edited February 2014 in Workshop

Castle Doomstone is a short, funny fantasy adventure written with kids and beginning Twine writers in mind. It has two puzzles and a few other features, but only uses three kinds of Twine code:
[[basic links]]
[[named links|destination]]
<<display 'passage'>>

Play Castle Doomstone Online
Download the Twine source (.tws) (right-click and "Save Link As...")


  • Can't wait to play when I get back home!

    Pardon, but I fixed your links as they were both broken.
  • Awesome! I loved it! I played it at school before class. You managed to pull a few chuckles from me throughout. It was simple and fun. I actually got it the first time around, so we must be on the same page. I'll play it again a few times and then review it on IFDB.

    My only suggestion is a stylesheet and font. Lord would that help this game a lot.

    I like the cover image, too. You do that?

    Great job!
  • The image is mine, I'm a graphic designer by trade. As such, the Sugarcane default bothers me a lot. However, since I intended Doomstone to be a tutorial of sorts, I don't want to add anything that would confuse new programmers, nor do I want the HTML to be different from what is in the source I'm offering.

    What do you think? Is Doomstone more likely to be used as a example, or read as a game?
  • Read as a game, 100 to 1 if not 100 to 0.

    There are already a fair number of good "example games" out there. Not that having a simple stylesheet would hamper that. Quite the opposite, in my opinion.

    I suggest building Doomstone as full and well as you possibly can! :)
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