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Styling individual links in Sugarcube?

So, I've been using the :before pseudo-class to add a little arrow icon to all the links in my story. I have no idea why I did that, but it looks nice and I even got it to change colors when you hover over it. I am putting a battle system in my story, and I made some buttons for each command and want to attach them to the links the same way I did with the arrow icon. This would require me to have several link styles in the same passage, and I have no idea how to do that. I thought that maybe I could use <div> tags to select the link, but doing that only adds a big button next to my little arrow, and the button is not part of the link. I tried then using the :link pseudo-class, but that caused the picture to not show up, and it messed up the spacing of my lines for some reason. I've also tried using <nav> and <span> tags to select the thing, but that did the same thing as the div tags.

The code I'm using for it right now until I learn how I'm actually supposed to do it is:
:Kris' Turn
<div id="attack">[[Attack|KrisAttack]]</div><br>

#attack:before {
content: [img[Attack Button]];
I feel like there's something stupidly simple about how to do this that I've been missing.


  • Your selector is applying the style properties to the container, not the link inside the container.  Try this instead:

    #attack a:before {
    content: [img[Attack Button]];
    Additionally, for the container, you may wish to switch from a &lt;div&gt;, which is a block level element, to &lt;span&gt;, which is an inline element (same as the link element, &lt;a&gt;).
  • Wow. I was missing something stupidly simple. I didn't know think of writing it like that. Thank you!
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