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I think I'm n00bing up previous()

Hi everyone!

I have been using Twine all of two months now, mostly successfully, but I have a simple problem that doesn't seem to have a simple solution:

I have some links in the StoryMenu that I want the player to be able to look at at any time, and then return to the story where they left off. References. One of these is a crew manifest, and so inspecting it will take the player two pages away from their story when they use it: one click to pull up the manifest, and another when you click on a specific crew member and read their file.

Right now, I am using previous() to get the player back to their story. If they just pull up the manifest and then use the Back button, it works fine - it takes them back to their story. But if they have clicked through to a crew file, I can't get them back to their story. previous() on the crew file brings them back to the manifest, but then previous() on the manifest takes them back to the crew file again - instead of back to the story.

Is there some way I can use previous() syntax to retrace their steps more than one click? Or some other way of allowing them to pull up a multi-passage reference in the middle of the story and still get them back to their story?

Thanks! I hope this makes sense...

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