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File size too big!

The game i'm making is a pretty big one. When i try to upload the DEMO it doesn't work how do I upload this without sacrificing content, or splitting it into multiple games?


  • A little more detail would help.

    Where (what site) are you trying to upload your generated HTML file too?

    How big is your generated HTML file and what is making it so large?
  • I was uploading it to This forum for demo purposes, and the file size is, for the HTML game, about 189 KBs. I don't have any idea about what makes it so big.
  • The minimum size for the vanilla story formats is close to 100 KiB for the format alone (Sugarcane: 98 KiB, Jonah: 100 KiB, Responsive: 105 KiB).  If you include their bundled versions of jQuery (+95 KiB) or Modernizr (+16 KiB), then that's another chunk.  Beyond the base size of the format, your code/text is stored in an encoded form with adds a small amount of overhead (the encoded forms of embedded media like fonts, images, etc. add even more overhead).

    It's not terribly difficult for even a basic game to weight in at a significant fraction of 200 KiB.
  • According to the message shown while attaching files to a post you can have up to four (4) attachments per post, no one attachment can be larger than 128KB, and the total combined size of all attachments is 192KB.

    To get around this you need to create a compressed archive file containing your file(s) and upload the archive file instead.

    If your using Windows you can use a tool like 7-zip, WinZip, or WinRar to create a ZIP archive file.
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