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Hiding passage titles in Jonah isn't working (solved)

edited October 2014 in Help! with 1.x
I searched on Google, and multiple sites said that this was the way to hide passage titles in Jonah:

.passage .title { display: none }

But it isn't working: the titles are still there. This is in Twine 1.4.2.

I have it in my CSS stylesheet passage. Are there any other options that might be interfering? I'm fairly new to Twine and haven't done any deep mucking about with things, as far as I can tell. Aside from a few custom text styles, the only other things I'm doing in the stylesheet are some minor tweaks like shortening the transition time, removing unselected links, and changing the mouse icon when selecting a link.

Thanks for any ideas.


  • You are missing a semi-colon after the word none in your CSS, they are important.
    Try the following:

    #passages .passage .title {display: none;)
    note: When you hide the passage title you will also be hiding the bookmark and rewind to here features as they appear in the same area.
  • Oh thanks. I thought I copied and pasted it, but maybe wherever I copied it from had missed the semicolon too.
    EDIT: The wiki doesn't include the semicolon! (

    Yes, I want the history to be visible, but the design of my story is such that no rewinding will be offered.
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