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helps with the macro

Hi there, I was looking for some help with the <<actions>> macro. It seems to function perfectly for what I need except that I don't like that it always has to be an ugly bullet list. Is there anything I can do so that I can continue to use the macro, but remove the list formatting? I know very very little about CSS, so I wasn't sure what to search for, but I tried a whole bunch of googling and couldn't find an answer simple enough for my dumb brain so any help would be appreciated.

Ideally I'd like to remove the whole list thing entirely and just simply have the links one after the other in a normal paragraph. Is this doable?


  • When asking questions about styling, macros or javascript it is a good idea to state which Story Format you are using because it can influence the answer, I am assuming you are using the Sugarcane story format.

    To change what appears at the start of each list item you need to change the lists list-style-type attribute (info about attribute can be found here and here)
    Add the following to your stylesheet passage:

    .passage ul {list-style-type: none;}
    To change the list items so that they dont appear on seperate lines you need to change them from displaying as blocks to being inline, add the following to your stylesheet passage:

    .passage li {display: inline;}
    Note: The above will effect all lists that appear within your story, if you want to restrict the CSS changes to only selected lists then you can wrap those lists in a <div> tag with a class attribute, and change the CSS selectors to reference that class instead of .passage.

    Place the following in a passage:

    <div class="plain-list">
    <<actions "Passage 1" "Passage 2" "Passage 3">>
    And the following within your style sheet passage:

    .plain-list ul {list-style-type: none;}
    .plain-list li {display: inline;}
  • Ah yes, sorry about that! I did forget to mention that, I just sort of figured that macro was mostly only used in Sugarcane. Thank you so much for your help, I'm still learning a bunch, and list formatting went a little over my head! Thanks again.
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