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Saving game in twine / sugarcube

I'm totally new to twine.
Recently I started to make a new game and as it has progressed quite far I felt the need for a save game option. :D

I have lurked and read about sugarcube and saved games, but honestly I have 0 understanding of it and I'm far from a programmer even on beginer scale :(.

I was wondering if someone has a simple guide on how to add saved games and maybe the save game/autosave script...

I'll really appriciate any help I can get.


  • Problem solved.

    Note to others, that are looking for a solution now or in the future:

    Go to and download '' [ZIP archive] [1 KiB]'' and just copy the config and styles or just config tiles to your game.
  • You don't need to do anything to add saves to SugarCube, that's a default feature.  Players may save, unless restricted, and load at any point.

    As far as autosaves go, reading the documentation for the configuration property config.saves.autosave would probably be a good idea.  Additionally, a related configuration property that some like is config.saves.autoload, which offers ways to automatically load an existing autosave when opening the story again.

    PS: I've updated the ZIP archive you downloaded with a slightly clearer version the tagged autosave example and added another example showing how to autoload a tagged autosave.

    PPS: For more advanced use, there are several more optional configuration properties for saves (start at config.saves.autoload and scroll down) and an API, which allows direct, programmatic access to the save system.
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