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Dynamically Changing CSS Stylesheet with Variables

Is it possible to change CSS depending on some variable?
For example, if $something= 2.3 then, can I add it as a modifier to a CSS element so that all passages will appear a certain way?


  • You need to state which story format you're using as the answer can be different for each!

    Sugarcane: You can use one of Leon's scripts to add the <<addtag>> macro to your project, then use that macro to conditionally add passage tags to your story, and then use CSS based on those tags to style it.

    SugarCube: You can use the built-in DOM (Classes) Macros within your passages to conditionally add CSS classes to your story and then use CSS based on those classes to style it.
  • Thanks, I'm using Sugarcane.

    I tried using Leon's script. Any idea if it's deprecated on 1.4.2?
  • Look at the script's code it appears that the tag based macros only works if it is called from within a passage that has already been assigned a tag using the passage editor, why this is so I don't know.

    A simple fix is to manually add a dummy tag (eg. aaa) using the passage editor to all the passages you plan to use <<addtag>> in.

    You may also want to PM Leon and ask him why it appears to work that way.
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