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Beginner question


I have a question that should seem dumb but, in the doc for Harlow ( ), it deals with aligner with <tw-align>.

And.. I don't know how to close the <tw-align> element...


  • You generally close HTML elements using a similar tag to the one you started it with except the end tag name has a forward slash at the start of it:
    eg. <span> .... </span>  or  <tw-align> ..... </tw-align>

    But that is not how your meant to use aligners, as the documentation shows your meant to use the combinations of equal,  greater than, and less than symbols.

    eg.  ==>,  =><=,  <==>,  <==,  ===><=,  =><=====
  • Oooooooooh god I'm stupid. I misread the documentation!
    Sorry, I didn't get that it was single-line, and, I know a little HTML and I didn't understand why </tw-align> didn't work.

    Thanks a lot for helphing a beginner!
  • It took me a bit of trial and error to find out that the alignment symbols go on a line by themselves like this:

    Now this text will be centered.

    Just adding it here in case it saves someone else a bit of frustration.
  • veromary wrote: »
    It took me a bit of trial and error to find out that the alignment symbols go on a line by themselves like this:
    Now this text will be centered.

    Just adding it here in case it saves someone else a bit of frustration.

    Thank you, it did help me out as I couldn't work out why it wasn't working for me.

    I noticed also that if the code is wrapped in the
    symbols for a "non-whitespace" wrap, the aligners do not work.

    So this doesn't actually work for me:
    Now this text will be centered.

    as it outputs:
    =><=Now this text will be centered.

    This is a problem, because it means that to use the aligners it outputs an extra <br/> element to my story.

    It seems this is something that should be noted and fixed, as I am sure people do not want to have to add a line break to their story whenever they need to align text differently.
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