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Do you recommend Twine to create an interactive documentary?

Hi I am filmmaker with very basic knowledge in coding but good background in web design.
I am looking to make an interactive online documentary and I just found Twine. I been checking tutorials but I am not finding that much information regarding the use of the platform to create online documentaries video based. I can see a strong  advantage using texts and interactivity and variables, but what about using video?
Suggestions? So far the other option that I found will be

Best, and thanks in advance for your comments and ideas


  • Could you describe in greater detail how you foresee the viewer of your documentary interacting with it, as this may help others when suggesting tools to create the interactive documentary with.

    eg. Will the viewer be watching a video and then answer some questions about what they saw, repeating this process for each video in documentary?
  • Thanks Greyelf!
    Could something like you just described. Or even initially just having a 3 minutes video playing full screen, after  stops you have three small video thumbnails, or text,  to choose from it, and continue with the narration.
    - I want the viewer controlling the video with a scroll bar, incase doesn't want to watch the complete video and continue with the narration.
    - image map link: I would like to have a video playing, later stops and having parts of the image link to a different videos.
    - Subtitles in another layer: The raw material is in spanish so I would to have the option of putting the subtitles in a top layer.

    Mainly I am looking for something very "cinematic" that could handle good quality of videos in full screen
    I hope this helps.

    I am pretty sure in the process of understanding the platform more ideas will come.
  • Not sure about the capacities of Twine, but I can recommend Adventr ( for creating interactive video. I don't know if they have all the features you describe, but it is easy to create videos with choices/branching stories. Also, I haven't had a chance to look at all of the programs on this list, but you might find something else useful here:

    EDIT: also seems to have a lot of potential.
  • Thanks dacharya6a!
    I found
    and also I will take a look of your suggestions.
    I really appreciate them.
  • Seen some nice twine creations blending text, audio and video.  Video is embedded html, so quality depends on what you want to imbed - some sort of flash player?  All twine will do is provide the page the video is embedded within.  Same deal with embedded audio, although with an add on you can get twine to play audio files automatically, so you could use that for spoken narration...

    In terms of structure, if you want something where people can explore whatever part of your material takes their fancy it's more than capable of doing that - and a lot easier to write/maintain than a web site.
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