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Creating a text input game

Wondering about the possibilities of making a text-input game. Like, where the player types in 'walk to door' etc etc.

Can this be done in Twine? How?



  • You can do it with the text box functions but it'd be fiddly since to get a variable entered into the text box you need to match it exactly, which means no extra spaces, correct capitalisation etc.

    So if you defined "walk to door" as the solution, someone typing "Walk to door" would fail due to the capital W unless you explicitly coded that solution in as well. Likewise, "walk door" would also fail unless you coded it in.

    Getting the parser up to the quality of what you'd find in Inform would take a ridiculous amount of work and would be very easy to code in a bug.

    Generally, Twine text inputs are best used for letting the player define their own name, or for number puzzles. It's difficult to mess up "4" if you ask them to answer what's "2 + 2?" though even then you'd probably have to code exceptions for "four" as well as "Four" and "4".
  • Hm, okay.

    Thanks anyway! I knew it'd be a lot of work but I hoped maybe someone could point me to an example where it's been done before. But no matter. :)
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