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Why doesn't (move:) work for me?

I swear I read the docs, but this won't work:

(set: $arr to (a: 1,2,3,4,5))
(move: $arr's 1st into $x) arr's 1st is $x
(move: $arr's 1st into $x) arr's 1st is $x
(move: $arr's 1st into $x) arr's 1st is $x

I get this error: "You can only use positions ('4th', 'last', '2nd-last', etc.) and 'length' with a an array."


  • edited May 2015
    I believe this is a bug, the overview lists the following fix for the next version of Harlowe:
    Fixed a bug where the (move:) macro didn't work on data structures with compiled properties (i.e. arrays).
  • Thanks - is there any way to start using that version now?
  • edited May 2015
    If you are willing to download the Harlowe source code and build your own local copy of the format.js file, then yes. Otherwise you will need to wait until it is release with a future version of Twine 2
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