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external URL passages

How do I create an external link for a passage in Twine 2. Per old docs, I tried but am not able to click on the link.

Thanks in advance


  • You need to state what Story Format you are using in Twine 2.

    If you are using Harlowe, you can use the following:
    (link:"Ask Google")[(gotoURL:"";)]

    Note: This will actually take your page to google, outside of the game.

    I am not sure how to create a Harlowe link that would open in a separate tab.

    One option is to use HTML and style the following anchor link to the same styling as the tw-link in CSS.
    <a href=""; target="_blank">Ask Google</a>
  • Thanks a lot. The first solution worked like a charm once I had stripped the semi-column. The second solution is less obvious since URL link styling is different than Twine links'.
  • it seems this forum adds the semicolon automatically, since I did not include it in my post. It may be something the moderators need to note, in case other "code" ends up getting messed up by automatic semicolon's inserted by the forum program.
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