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IF CREATORS WANTED: sub-Q Magazine seeks authors, developers



  • Thank you for the October clarification. It clicks for me now.
  • Hey everyone! sub-Q is live and we're ready to tango!

    For those that don't know, I'm helping evaluate submissions for sub-Q, and wanted to let everyone know what we've been up to and reiterate our call for submissions.

    We've got some great work on the site so far, including rosencrantz's Silver & Gold and other works of speculative fiction. We're also publishing interviews with authors and developers, and releasing a bunch of treats including a newsletter chock-full of riddles and special familiars for premium members.

    If you're interested in submitting, check out our submission page for our rates (that's right, we're still paying good money for IF!) and guidelines.

  • THIS. Everything @dacharya64 said!

    We want your work. We need it. GIVE IT TO US.
  • And @rosencrantz's Silver & Gold is pretty fantastic. If you haven't read it, you're in for a treat.
  • Giving this a bump! sub-Q still wants and needs submissions. Fantasy, SF, horror, and mystery. Short and flash fiction. Learn more and submit here.
  • If school weren't still robbing me of my will to live, let alone be creative, I'd love to participate. I've not written anything at all, let alone a Twine in so long I can't recall. As it is, I hope the publication is going well!
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