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Problem when testing

edited June 2015 in Help! with 2.0
Hi everybody!
I don't know what is wrong with my twine story but every time I want to test a certain passage it starts from the beginning, which is really annoying because I have a lot of passages. So if I want to see how a passage from the end looks I have to go through all my story.

Do you know what is going on?

Thank you!


  • Using Windows 7, when I hover over the passage with my mouse pointer, a menu pops up allowing me to select the little ladybug icon (symbolizing "debug," I think). When I click that icon, Twine opens the HTML file from that passage. You can also temporarily set the starting point to that passage by clicking the little rocket symbol from that menu.

    Otherwise, Twine 2 will always start from whatever passage is set as the starting point, naturally.
  • That's actually normal behavior (if I understand your question). It happens because you defined a starting point, so... That's where it starts.

    What you can do to test it from a specific location is to just go to that passage while in the editor (the blue grid screen) and then hover over that passage and click to test it from there.

    If I understood what you were asking.

    If that wasn't it, let me know and I will help further.
  • Yes that is exactly what I do, I click on the specific passage and click on its ladybug icon.

    I have even changed the start point to the specific passage (with the rocket symbol) but still starts from the start point I used to have.

    I am using a Mac computer.
    Any ideas of what could the problem be?

  • Ugh. I dunno. :-(

    Can you post an HTML file?
  • The thing is that I have tested my html file on a Windows computer and it works there!
    Could it be a Mac problem?
  • Like I say, posting the HTML file here might help diagnose the issue.
  • it's a browser cache issue. Just do an alt f5 - or was it cmd-f5
  • @Sage you've read about this before? Do you have a link to the thread?
  • no.. I have a Mac. well... I did. I spilled water on it and now I have linux because it was free. @beafus, did you cmd-click on refresh?
  • Thank you all for the advice!
    with the cmd-click works! :)
  • Actually it was working with that but now it is stuck in the last passage I saw,
    I dont understand why
  • it's caching. If I still had the mac I could help you troubleshoot. Sorry. You could always cmd-click again, I suppose
  • Web-browser's cache web-pages (and that's all a Twine story is) locally to speed up the loading of said page, they generally use two things to do this:
    1. the name of the page (and where it came from)
    2. the file timestamp of the page.

    If the web-browser thinks that the page that you are asking it to show is the same as one in it's cache then it will show you the one in the cache instead, and this could be why you are seeing the last passage you saw.
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