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Or if (else)

No matter how nice is working in twine and harlowe, I'm always pushing the limits. Today, I tried for several hours to make an "or if" condition to work. This was the last thing I tried before giving up:
(if: $variable is "value1")[blue](or if: $variable is "value2")[red](else:)[yellow]

I already searched in the forum, but there are no topic that have "if or", "or" or "if".

Someone knows what I'm doing wrong?


  • edited June 2015
    Can you use "elseif" for your purposes? I get that there are different use-cases for using or vs using elseif, but I don't think Twine uses || (the normal double pipe symbol). It probably DOES have "or" syntax, but I don't know it.

    At least using "elseif" gives you something to start with so you don't hold up development waiting for an answer.
  • so, it would be something like this?
    (if: $variable is "value")[text on page](elseif: $variable2 is "value")[text on page]

    That actually worked.
  • edited June 2015
    So, @GreyElf, I'm glad you're here. I suggested the same elseif, but of course there is a different use-case for "or" vs "elseif", and about this use, I have a question.

    Is there an "or" syntax? For example if I wanted to say,
    if either THIS || THAT condition exists {
    one thing
    other thing
  • Try the following:
    (set: $variable to "B")
    (if: $variable is "A" or $variable is "B")[the variable has a correct value]
    (else:)[the variable does not have a correct value]
  • Awesome, thank you!
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