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Using twine in schools - logging users paths and achievements

How would you create an IF for students in TWINE where the objectives you achieve and the path you take are sent to the server, but in a way where students can't copy each other with an image taking up most of the screen with options on the image and some text beneath?
The game is an escape from a building game about safety and would be composed of 5 areas. If they reach a bad ending I want them to be able to rewind to the start of the area.
The game will look something , but they charge $5 per user
I also looked at inklewriter who wrote the 80 days app which is now free, but it looks a bit tricky to use

So the problems are
- record results for multiple students. The students would be doing this on a learning management system so we know their identity.
As they achieve each objective or enter a new area I would like to send off a javascript message to the server
I used to play a lot of this Multi user text dungeon and the Wizards could monitor paths e.g.
- randomize the order of the correct path in the options and some of the names so students can't just copy from each other easily , BUT keep the same map underneath
- overlay the options over the image

Only threads i could find that seemed relevant were

thanks Renovator


  • The game itself is a simple thing to create. The pictures (and the text beneath) all set up as branching narrative is a great place to start. My suggestion is to first build THAT part. Once you have all of that in place, then we can figure out how to send results where they need to go.

    There are other threads on here that can help you as well... but not labelled "e-learning" as was the one you referred to. There are collaborative questions that might help (i.e. sending info to others) and there are also questions about saving to a server that I have seen here as well.

    But, I would ask this first:
    Have you created those other parts yet? At least then you will have code to share with the forum.

    As they say, you can't edit a blank page.

    Good luck!
  • Every time this comes up, I post the following link:!topic/tweecode/ENbun6TbfiI

    No idea how easy it is to implement nor how well it works because I've never received a reply about it and I've never tried it.

    Suggestion: use Twine 1.x and SugarCube.
  • See also this thread:

    Reporting each ending/path to the server as it occurs is probably the simplest option. If you want offline or batch play you could accumulate the results locally and then post them through as a single batch update but that's harder to process and requires the student to actively submit their results.

    Text over a static image is simply setting the image as the pages background. You might need to fade it a bit to keep your text legible.

    The rewind feature in Twine 1 SugarCane will completely reset the game internally if you go back to the beginning - don't know if it's available for any other story formats. You can use it to go back to the beginning or to a bookmarked branch point. You can accumulate the path in a variable and post it when you hit an ending.

    Getting the users id to put in the http request might be more interesting - you'll be either back figuring it from the IP address or you may need to put it somewhere the game can find it. Having the player type it in probably isn't acceptable...
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