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Harlowe - making click macro do multiple things

I have a click macro set up that I want to do two things: make some text appear, and turn some text into a hyperlink. I can do both of those things separately without a problem, but can't figure out how to make one click execute both. Here's what I have now:
(click:?basement2)[The basement?]
(click:?basement2)[(replace:?tome)[(link-goto:"ancient, dusty tome", "Look for Tome")]]

That makes it so I have to click the basement2 hook twice for both things to happen, though. Any ideas?


  • You just need to place all the things you want done inside the container associated with the (click:) macro, try the following:
    note: I added the two hooks you left out of your example.
    |basement2>[Click Here]
    (click:?basement2)[The basement?(replace:?tome)[(link-goto:"ancient, dusty tome", "Look for Tome")]]
  • Ah I see, I did try that but I put [The basement?] in its own separate hook. Thanks!
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