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Is there a way to colour passages in the twine interface?

What I mean is, in the actual blueprint editing program can I make different passages different colours? I feel like it would help with organisation but I haven't seen any way to do that, or to 'group' passages with tags that are visible in this. It's probably a weird question but I figured I'd ask in case I'm missing something.



  • ...and do tags not help with filtering? I tagged a bunch of passages in the hope that I could easily find them but when I type the tag into the filter it only shows passages that contain the word in its text. rip
  • The simple answer to both of your questions is No.
  • You can break a link on purpose to highlight it red, then fix the link before publication.

    Or maybe start a group of passages with a special character(*&^%$#), then all you have to do is type the character in the search box and it highlights them yellow.

    Neither are ideal solutions, but they might be of help until that feature is added.

    The 'Tags' are for javascript to search the passage to see if special conditions are to be placed on that passage. For example I have time advance every time a link is clicked unless the passage has a 'notime' tag, which over rides the time script. (I thought they were search tags originally too. They aren't for your searching, but for the programs.)
  • I started titling passages with codes to make filtering work. The broken link idea is brilliant, thanks.
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