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[Harlowe] How to reference a tag in a condition?

So far i have only found how to do this in Twine 1;
<<if not tags().contains("tagname")>>

i tried the following but doesn't seem to work. I have this in a 'footer' tagged passage which i want to display the text when the player is in a passage with a specific tag name.

(if: tags().contains("test"))[text yada]


  • If you read through the 1.1.0 changes: New Features: section on the Harlowe overview page you will find information about the new (passage:) macro.

    The Harlowe equivalent to your example is:
    (if: (passage:)'s tags contains "test")[text yada]
  • Thanks greyelf for your help and the link to the overview page, i have bookmarked it.
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