The guys over at
the TwineGames subreddit are launching what's hoped to be the first installment of a long serie of Twine Game Jams.
The theme is
exploration and we've got until the 14th to submit our entries.
It's a pretty good way to practice our writing and work on very specific parts of an existing project.
For example with the exploration theme, you can set up all the places/room where your story will happen, not focusing too much on gameplay elements.
Don't hesitate to share here the result of your hard work :-)
Sorry I can't participate. I just started the new semester last week and school drains me of creativity, just as I think it was designed to do.
Why aren't you good enough? The whole point is to encourage people to try things and put SOMETHING out there for others to look at. I'm only in the 'Hey let's make a story where I can just do branching so descriptives or background events aren't cluttering the main narrative' stage.
I'll think about it. I'm sort of trying to make a game but maybe I can work on something to figure some things out for this. We'll see.
Hey k3lit0, I totally understand that thought! Remember the Jam isn't a competition (this time at least. It might be for some of them in the future, who knows). Consider it more of a sandbox. A place to try out any mechanisms you've been working on or to show anything you want feedback on.
I say, give it a go! Who know's what'll come out of it?
Absolutely. No pressure to have a finished article.
I really need to get working on it.