I'm making a game that's a mix of some genres, and I'm using Twine and Unity to make it.
Currently it's quite a mess of interactive fiction, visual novel and RPG.
The motivation for this salad is that I love RPGs, but I miss the story-driven aspects of pen-and-paper.
So the result so far has been a story-driven battle system where the stats of you and your allies are based on the choices you made previously.
Particularly in this case, the stats of you and your allies are based on the degree of friendship you have with them. In a gauge, it would be metered between the like of "Arch-Nemesis", passing through "Situational Ally", and maybe even, in extreme cases, er, "Forever Lover".
You'd gather friendship (or hardship) based solely through dialogue through out the story.
In a battle, when you choose your allies, the highest the level of friendship they have, the higher their damage. Be careful to choose allies with low friendship, as they can even turn against you in the battle! Conversely, the higher the hate you gathered from the opposing team, the higher the damage they will inflict.
Our own personal stats would be based on the character background, and our leveling based on the friends and decisions we make throughout the game.
I made a video of an early prototype of the game... (I'd recommend watching it full screen if you, like me, have a hard time reading small letters 8) )
To write the story, I'm using Twine as an editor. I made a a Twee parser inside the code to handles the custom markups like inventory and stats. Here is the map so far for this short demo:
As you'd expect everything is still quite early, with placeholders and subject to change... but I hope the gameplay is enticing for more.
As it evolves, I plan to make it as compatible with Twine as possible, so there should be possible to publish a Twine game if you like, or use more of the added elements if you wish.
So that's that... Hope you like, peace out.
See this is why I love open source. New and inventive ways of using what data you have.
Vs other systems closed nature that lets you do it just One way.
I look forward to seeing more. Please keep us updated.
Yeah, that's it. My plan would to have a ready-made "Twine engine" made in Unity for each platform, and the writer would just put it's story and extended data into the appropriate folder and run the game.
Thanks for the feedback! As more features are added and the game progresses, I sure will put more updates.
I am looking forward to reading more about your game.
(And also wondering if there is a way to implement a system that makes translations of a story to a different language easy (possibly via your parser).
If you are using Twine 1 and have separated out your stylesheet/script passages into a child TWS file, then you could export the parent TWS file as a TWEE file and run that through a translator like Google or the like. You could then import the translated copy of the TWEE file into a new story project TWS file.
It would not be perfect and you would have to check all the macros and markup links but it would be a start.
That's what I meant, yes.
I use Twine 2, so this is not going to work for me specifically, but it might be interesting for the OP - having a universal engine that works with Unity is even cooler if it allows games to be easily translated, because of the wider distribution allowed by translations.