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A Doctor Who game I made for class

Here's a twine game I made for class. It's simple, but I hope it's effective. By the way, can you recognize which Doctor I used?


  • I'm realizing that mentioning tha it was a Who game might have been a mistake. You don't need to know anything about Doctor Who to enjoy the game!
  • Sorry. I read over it quickly last week, but haven't really had time to comment. Patrick Troughton (2nd Doctor)?
  • Sorry. I read over it quickly last week, but haven't really had time to comment. Patrick Troughton (2nd Doctor)?

    You are correct!
  • I made a character called The Master and Davros lol. Maybe do a little joke where if you say that the Doctor flies off never to return.

    I'll play it through properly next week, when I get back, but maybe having the first few passages interactive as opposed to just clicking a link, or put the first few (at least up to giving yourself a name) as one passage. It just feels like the narrative is a little too broken up at the start, and opening up with a link just feels odd.
  • @AntonMuerte, I'll definitely think of adding some custom options. I'll also add some more initial branching paths. Thanks for reviewing.
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