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How To Use Set And If?

I'm very new to twine and I'm trying to create a system based on if and set. But whenever I use something like
(If: $Math Is "True")
I get an error (When I start the game)
True Is Not Defined
Same With set
(Set: $Math To False)
False Is Not Defined
Thank You In Advance.


  • You need to state which story format you are using, as answers can be different for each one. Based on the syntax of your example I am going to assume you are using Harlowe.
    When you include code examples in your post please use the C button above the comment field to wrap the example in code tags.

    Harlowe is built using Javascript which is a case-sensitive programming language, so the case of both true and false are important. On the other hand Harlowe macro names and keywords (like to) are not case-sensitive.

    Try the following:
    (set: $Math to true)
    (if: $Math)[Math is true]
    (set: $Math to false)
    (if: !$Math)[Math is false]
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