Hi all! Sry for my bad english btw.
I've seen many games which was made on twine. And now I have a question - can I make my game on twine in style "Choice of games" games (like this -
http://nlbproject.com/static/aldarkose/mygame/index.html this is my game that I wish remake on twine)? Just text at top and options + one button from below?
And if I can make similar gui In twine - how I can make this exactly?
note: Name the passages whatever you like, in this example they are First Passage and Second Passage.
1. First Passage 2. Second Passage 3. Place the following CSS in the Story Stylesheet area
note: You could make a similar interface using either Harlowe or Snowman but it would require more effort and the use of Javascript to handle the radiobutton selection because neither of those two story formats have that feature/functionality built-in like SugarCube has.