Hello! I am trying to download Sugar Cube 2.0 for the ONLINE version of Twine 2. I have tried adding the file path via the Add Format option, linking to the path on my computer without success (I know I did it correctly because I watched a friend do it with out an issue). Is there some other setting on computer/browser that could be preventing me from linking to the file?
I also tried adding file:/// and reversing all the backslashes to forward slashes as instructed here:
(And I tried linking to path in at least 10 other ways too!)
How do I get this to work?
The offline/executable version does correctly accept local file: URLs. However, if using it is not possible for some reason, then your only option would be to place the SugarCube 2 install directory online someplace which allows hot linking. If you don't have a website on which you may place it, Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive could be possibilities.
Here are hot linking instructions for Google Drive:
Basically. Sync the install directory to Drive, change its sharing to Public, then go into the directory and copy its hash from the URL. Place its hash within the following URL: And that URL should let you install SugarCube 2 from Drive.