Please let me know if you know of any good tutorials that explain this. I wanted to just upload my html copy of Twine to my account but I don't think I Can do that. Publish to file --> saved down...
a. Based on "Publish to file --> saved down" part of your question you wish to push the story HTML file created via the Publish to File option to a GitHub project/repository.
b. You have installed the relevant release of git on your machine
c. You know how to open your operating systems equivalent of a command prompt/shell, and know how to use it to change which folder/directory it is currently referencing.
The process consists of two parts:
1. Creating a project folder/directory on your local hard-drive into which you need to save the story HTML file created via the Publish to File option as well as any other asserts your story requires like images and sound files. This folder/directory and it's contents will become your GitHub project/repository.
1a. Create a project folder/directory on your local hard-drive, the folder name should NOT contain any space characters.
(eg. This example will use bears-picnic)
1b. Open your story within Twine 2, then use the Publish to File option to create a story HTML file which you need to save within the project folder/directory create in point 1b. It is better if the name of the story HTML file does NOT contain any space characters.
(eg. I created a bears-picnic.html file within the bears-picnic project folder)
1c. Place any other locally referenced files needed by your story within the project folder, or within sub-folders/sub-directories of the project folder.
1d. Each time you finish modifing your story you will need to re-create a the story HTML file within the project folder.
2. Using GIT to turn your project folder into a GIT project/repository and pushing that project to up to the remote GitHub project/repository.
2a. The Creating a new repository page on the GitHub help site explains the steps used to create the project/repository on on the GitHub side.
2b. The Adding an existing project to GitHub using the command line pages explains the commands used to transform your local project folder into a local GIT project, and also the commands used to push your local GIT project to your new GitHub project.
a. Based on "Publish to file --> saved down" part of your question you wish to push the story HTML file created via the Publish to File option to a GitHub project/repository.
b. You have installed the relevant release of git on your machine
c. You know how to open your operating systems equivalent of a command prompt/shell, and know how to use it to change which folder/directory it is currently referencing.
The process consists of two parts:
1. Creating a project folder/directory on your local hard-drive into which you need to save the story HTML file created via the Publish to File option as well as any other asserts your story requires like images and sound files. This folder/directory and it's contents will become your GitHub project/repository.
1a. Create a project folder/directory on your local hard-drive, the folder name should NOT contain any space characters.
(eg. This example will use bears-picnic)
1b. Open your story within Twine 2, then use the Publish to File option to create a story HTML file which you need to save within the project folder/directory create in point 1b. It is better if the name of the story HTML file does NOT contain any space characters.
(eg. I created a bears-picnic.html file within the bears-picnic project folder)
1c. Place any other locally referenced files needed by your story within the project folder, or within sub-folders/sub-directories of the project folder.
1d. Each time you finish modifing your story you will need to re-create a the story HTML file within the project folder.
2. Using GIT to turn your project folder into a GIT project/repository and pushing that project to up to the remote GitHub project/repository.
2a. The Creating a new repository page on the GitHub help site explains the steps used to create the project/repository on on the GitHub side.
2b. The Adding an existing project to GitHub using the command line pages explains the commands used to transform your local project folder into a local GIT project, and also the commands used to push your local GIT project to your new GitHub project.