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SugarCube 2 Delayed Text Effect

Hello. I'm pretty new to Twine but I love it so far. Been watching any tutorials I can find on it but there are some things that aren't covered.

I'd like to replicate an effect that's near the end of the twine game "my father's long, long legs". It had text/dialogue appearing on the screen in a delayed sequence of time, one after the other when there was nothing there at first.

I've spent 3 hours trying to find out how to do it on my own and I did find these links. This one has a pile more that could be useful.

I've tried the following, as the second link mentions in a comment.

"First bit of text...
<<timedcontinue 2.5s>>
Second bit of text...
<<timedcontinue 2.5s>>"

But it just gives me errors. After a lot of reading I think I need to 'install macros' to make it work but I have no idea how to do that. I've cut and pasted things in the "Edit Story Stylesheet" and "Edit Story JavaScript" but still nothing works.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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