I used "publish to file" to export my story.
However when trying to start it using a browser, it stayed empty (both in opera as well in IE).
Running the story out of twine works fine even with Opera. Tryed to clear cookies, but it doesn´t help.
How can i save my project to a file and use it on different computers?
All of them stay white if i open them with a browser. Just recently i used Firefox; no story there.
http://www.filehosting.org/file/details/542724/Test 2.html
There everyone can request the download link to his e-mail.
Note: If i use Twine to open it using the libery, it only shows a white html. I can only see and access the story if i use the "house"-symbol in twine.
The Story Project HTML files contained within the Twine Library folder are not standard HTML files, nor are they Story HTML files and if you open one using a web-browser they will always show a blank page.
There are two ways to create a Story HTML file:
a. When viewing the Stories list:
Click on the cog icon in the top right corner of a Story Project and select the Publish to File option.
b. When editing a Story Project:
Click on the upwards pointing blue triangle in the lower left hand corner of the screen (or on the story name to the left of the triangle) and select the Publish to File option.
The Story HTML file created can be opened with a web-browser.
Reproduced it: ist actually seemed to have something to do with saving it in another folder then the twine/libery.
You should NOT be saving the Story HTML files you create into that folder, instead you should create your own folder somewhere on your hard-drive for that purpose.